EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies
Our team took part in the 10th European Society for Translation Studies Congress (EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies) in Oslo, Norway. The conference, during which we delivered a presentation, took place between 22–25 June 2022.
Prezentacja: 10 Kongres European Society for Translation Studies
The proof of the translation process is in the reading of the target text: testing the effectiveness of the translator’s keystrokes with the reader’s eye movements 22 June 2022 The translator’s decisions and language use are vital for the reader’s meaning making process (Alves & Jakobsen 2020, Chesterman 1998). Yet, studies exploring the relationship between […]
XXV Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki
Prawdy i mity o szybkim czytaniu pod lupą naukowców z The Read Me Project 2 czerwca 2022 r., 12:40–13:40, Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, ul. Grunwaldzka 6 W świecie audiobooków i podcastów czytanie pozostaje najczęstszym sposobem dostępu do wiedzy i potrzebnych nam informacji. To jak czytamy zależy od celu lektury i typu tekstu – inaczej czytamy książkę […]